Bluffs and Piasa Bird, 2016

50th Anniversary of SIUE Oral History Collection (36 total)

  • Collection: 50th Anniversary of SIUE Oral History Collection
Thumbnail Title Description Date Date Added
Arthur Vambaketes Follow Up Oral History Interview In this interview Brian K. Weaver, Sr. follows up a previous discussion with Arthur Vambaketes concerning the immigration process of his family from Greece at the turn of the 20th century. The interview delves deeper into the Greek heritage cultural patterns in Madison County and the greater St. Louis Metropolitan area. Special attention is given to the role that their family business, Tony's Ranch House Restaurant and Lounge in Godfrey, Illinois, plays in the social structure of northeastern Madison County and environs. June 10, 2024 July 30, 2024
Arthur Stahnke Oral History This oral history interview with Ellen Nore-Nordhouser is part of a collection of oral histories conducted as part of a research project related to the 50th Anniversary of SIUE between 2005 and 2008. July 14, 2006 March 7, 2021
Antoinette "Toni" Liston Oral History This oral history interview with Ellen Nore-Nordhouser is part of a collection of oral histories conducted as part of a research project related to the 50th Anniversary of SIUE between 2005 and 2008. July 20, 2004 March 31, 2021
2006 Rudolph (Rudy) G. Wilson "Sharing Memories from 1969" Unknown December 5, 2020
2006 "What Do I Recall - Memories of SIUE" by Rudolph G. Wilson This is a document created by Rudolph (Rudy) Wilson, the Vice-Chancellor of SIUE in 2006. The document describes Wilson's hiring, his difficulties finding housing in the St. Louis metropolitan area as an African-American man and his work at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. The account is three pages long and additionally lists a series of awards or recognitions Dr. WIlson had earned throughout his tenure at SIUE and as a member of the community. March 3, 2006 December 5, 2020
2005 List of "African American and African Faculty Hires Since 1968 Not Including Faculty from Experiment in Higher Education" at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville This printed color spreadsheet was created by Rudolph (Rudy) Wilson and given to Ellen Nore-Nordhouser during her oral history interview with him for the 50th anniversary of SIUE in 2006. The document is dated 2005-10-20 in the footer and lists the names, rank, tenure status, retirement dates and dates of hire of all the African American and African faculty members who had worked at the university since 1968. The document is organized by department name and alphabetical order. October 20, 2005 December 5, 2020