Bluffs and Piasa Bird, 2016

Mine Subsidence at the Madison County Tuberculosis Sanitarium (113 total)

This collection contains photographs from 1926 and 2002 of the interior and exterior of the Madison County Tuberculosis Sanitarium in Edwardsville, which became the Madison County Nursing Home in the 1970s. The photographs show the damage to the building resulting from mine subsidence, as well as attempts to prevent further subsidence in the 1920s. The building was torn down in the early 2000s.

  • Collection: Mine Subsidence at the Madison County Tuberculosis Sanitarium
Thumbnail Title Description Date Date Added
1926  Ground Crack Near the Madison County Tuberculosis Sanitarium in Edwardsville after Mine Subsidence This 1926 photograph shows the ground crack after mine subsidence. The crack is seen directly below the wooden marker. 1926 September 26, 2017
1926  Ground Crack Near the Madison County Tuberculosis Sanitarium in Edwardsville after Mine Subsidence This 1926 photograph shows the ground crack after mine subsidence. The large crack is seen directly below the wooden marker, 1926 September 26, 2017
Graffiti in the Madison County Nursing Home in 2002 after Mine Subsidence This 2002 photograph shows graffiti written on the wall of the Madison County Nursing Home after it was closed in the late 90s. The graffiti reflects displeasure over the closing of the nursing home. December 20, 2002 September 21, 2017
Century Bathing System in the Madison County Nursing Home in 2002 This 2002 photograph shows a "Century Patented Bathing System" in the Madison County Nursing Home after it was closed in the late 90s. December 20, 2002 September 28, 2017
2002 Photograph from the Inside of the Madison County Nursing Home Looking Out This 2002 photograph was taken from the inside of the Madison County Nursing Home after it was closed in the late 90s. December 20, 2002 September 28, 2017
An Interior Room of the Madison County Nursing Home  in 2002 This 2002 photograph shows the interior of the Madison County Nursing Home after it was closed in the late 90s. This particular room appears to have been a resident's bedroom. Bob Gibson can be seen in the mirror taking the photograph. December 20, 2002 September 28, 2017
Graffiti in the Madison County Nursing Home in 2002 after Mine Subsidence This 2002 photograph shows graffiti written on the wall of the Madison County Nursing Home after it was closed in the late 90s. The author of the graffiti argues that the nursing home should stay open. December 20, 2002 September 28, 2017
Graffiti in the Madison County Nursing Home in 2002 after Mine Subsidence This 2002 photograph shows graffiti written on the wall of the Madison County Nursing Home after it was closed in the late 90s. The graffiti reflects the concern of the closing of the nursing home. December 20, 2002 September 28, 2017
Graffiti in the Madison County Nursing Home in 2002 after Mine Subsidence This 2002 photograph shows graffiti written on the wall of the Madison County Nursing Home after it was closed in the late 90s. The graffiti reflects how the nursing home cared for its patients. December 20, 2002 September 28, 2017
Graffiti in the Madison County Nursing Home in 2002 after Mine Subsidence This 2002 photograph shows graffiti written on the wall of the Madison County Nursing Home after it was closed in the late 90s. December 20, 2002 September 28, 2017