Horseshoe Lake, 2016

1969 Better Homes and Gardens: New Cook Book


“1969 Better Homes and Gardens: New Cook Book,” Madison Historical, accessed October 27, 2024,


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This Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book published in 1969 belonged to Alton resident Christina Hall. Four of the book's pages were digitized, with some recipes designated for "Ladies Only" and "Men Only." The "Ladies Only" meal contains a crab-artichoke bake, assorted relishes, rolls, and orange soufflé. The "Men Only" meal contains cheese stuffed apples, assorted crackers, shrimp cocktail, Hasenpfeffer, mashed potatoes with gravy, peas, carrots, "Men’s Favorite Salad," rolls, and red cherry pie. The smaller and lighter ladies meal demonstrates gender notions prevalent in the 1960s.

This cook book was photographed as part of a Madison Historical class visit to Civic Memorial High School in spring 2018. It was brought to class by Erin Griffith.


  • culture
  • Alton
  • women's issues
  • food


  • Hall, Christina



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  • Book or portion of book


  • jpg


  • 1960s


  • Griffith-Erin-B-0001
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