Great River Road, 2016

Order from Major General E.R.L. Canby for Elliot Mudge


“Order from Major General E.R.L. Canby for Elliot Mudge,” Madison Historical, accessed March 14, 2025,


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This is an order from Major General E.R.L. Canby permitting Elliot L. Mudge to return to his home without being taken by U.S. authorities. It is presumed that Mudge's middle initial was written as "L" in error.


  • No. 11

                                                                                        Gainesville      May 12th, 1865

    Private Elliot L.  Mudge of A Company1st  Regiment Louisiana Cavalry C.S.A., residing in New Orleans, La having been, with the approval of the proper authorites, paroled, is permitted to return to his home, not to be disturbed by the United States authorities, so long as he observes his parole and the laws in force where he may reside.

                By order

                Major General E.R.L. Canby, U.S.A.

    [illegible signature]

    E.S. Dennis
    Brig Gen [illegible signature]          

In Collection


  • Military
  • Civil War
  • government


  • Mudge, Stephen


May 12, 1865


  • Miscellaneous Document


  • pdf


  • Mudge-Steve-D-0022
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