Horseshoe Lake, 2016

1937 Officers of an Unknown Group


“1937 Officers of an Unknown Group,” Madison Historical, accessed February 14, 2025,


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A photo of officers in an unknown group taken in 1937. There are twenty men and women featured and standing in suits or dresses.


  • Front

    4 1/2 x 6 1/2 inch glossy of 1937 officers of ? group. Twenty men and women are shown and most are indentified. 


    1937 Officers  Return to Ruth Roper From S. Morrison 1992's *

    Front- Verna Shoulders

    Front Row- Mary Taylor, Eliz Ann Bowker, Mytle Haddick, George Bartells, Edward Holswee, Amos Bonham, Mrs. Bartells

    Back Row- [unidentified], Erma Rankin, Verna Paul, Adeline Allen, Mr. Earl Haddick, Eunice  Hoean, Mable Echols, Mrs Mildred Savage, [unidentified], [unidentified], Mrs Haddick, Lillian Pointer

    *Ruth has passed away - I got it from her when I first started on book. Museum [unidentifiable]


  • Collinsville
  • organizations
