Horseshoe Lake, 2016

Search Results for: Bellevue University

137 results

Thumbnail Title Description Date Date Added
Cowling-Sam-N-001.jpg 1995 Article about Bill Hyten, The First Superintendent of Triad High School This is a 1995 newspaper article about the first superintendent of Triad School District, Bill Hyten. He also talks about his family and how happy he is to see his daughter for the holidays.

This newspaper article was brought in by Sam Cowlingas a part of a Madison Historical class visit to Liberty Middle School in February 2020.
December 27, 1995 March 4, 2020
Cunningham-John-O-001_Access.mp3 John Cunningham Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, John Cunningham describes his experiences as the president of the Edwardsville branch of the NAACP. He begins by discussing his youth in Missouri, Alabama, and East St. Louis, and going to college at Southern Illinois University Carbondale as a young African American. He describes his career as a teacher in East St. Louis and as various administrative positions in Alton schools. January 24, 2018 May 7, 2018
Guerra-Eleidys-O-001_Translation.pdf Eleidys Guerra Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Venezuelan student Eleidys Guerra discusses moving to Madison County to study English, leaving behind a job and large family in Venezuela. She describes how she and her son have adapted to their new circumstances with no familiarity with English. November 20, 2017 April 11, 2018
Reinhardt_Cynthia_O_001.pdf Cynthia (Cindy) Rhinehart Oral History This oral history interview with Ellen Nore-Nordhouser is part of a collection of oral histories conducted as part of a research project related to the 50th Anniversary of SIUE between 2005 and 2008.

Cythinia Rheinhardt discusses her time at SIUE as a student as well as work in the university bookstore. Rheinhardt also mentions union membership, the transition of SIUE to a textbook rental system, as well as the presence of two live cougars on campus.
Unknown December 8, 2020
Gorham_Ione-O-001_Transcript_redacted.pdf Ione Gorham Oral History Interview This oral history interview with Ione Gorham was part of oral histories conducted in the fall 2001 semester of History 447: Oral History. November 17, 2001 June 13, 2018
Wilson-Rudolph-D-001.pdf 2006 "What Do I Recall - Memories of SIUE" by Rudolph G. Wilson This is a document created by Rudolph (Rudy) Wilson, the Vice-Chancellor of SIUE in 2006. The document describes Wilson's hiring, his difficulties finding housing in the St. Louis metropolitan area as an African-American man and his work at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. The account is three pages long and additionally lists a series of awards or recognitions Dr. WIlson had earned throughout his tenure at SIUE and as a member of the community. March 3, 2006 December 5, 2020
Shaw-Herman-O-001.mp3 Herman Shaw Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Herman Shaw describes his experiences with segregation and racial adversity throughout his life, both in his community and throughout his travels. He describes his experience as a young boy growing up in Missouri during the Great Depression and World War II. He then discusses his life after moving to Edwardsville in 1944 and how things have changed in that community over time. He describes how his education, his participation in sports, his service in the military, and key people in his life have influenced him. He also discusses his work at the Alton State Hospital, at University City High School, and his volunteer work with the Human Relations Commission in Edwardsville. February 12, 2018 April 18, 2018
Beaman_Margaret_O_001.pdf Margaret Beaman Oral History This oral history interview with Ellen Nore-Nordhouser is part of a collection of oral histories conducted as part of a research project related to the 50th Anniversary of SIUE between 2005 and 2008.

In her interview Beaman discusses her research agenda, securing grants for the Nursing program at SIUE. Her work after retiring and the organization of the university as it grew to embrace technology and online learning beginning in the 1990s.
May 5, 2006 December 8, 2020
Werner_David_O_001.pdf David Werner Oral History This oral history interview with Ellen Nore-Nordhouser is part of a collection of oral histories conducted as part of a research project related to the 50th Anniversary of SIUE between 2005 and 2008.

David Werner addresses his work at SIUE in the School of Business. Working towards the accreditation of the Business School, the Experiment in Higher Education, and the growth of programs such as the Dental College and Parmacy program at SIUE. Werner attributes the growth of SIUE to the prioritization of its mission statement towards undergraduate education, the addition of university housing, and the expansion of professional degree-granting programs at the undergraduate level.
February 19, 2007 December 8, 2020
Statler_Luther_O_001_Audit.pdf Luther Statler Oral History This oral history interview with Ellen Nore-Nordhouser is part of a collection of oral histories conducted as part of a research project related to the 50th Anniversary of SIUE between 2005 and 2008.

During his interview Statler discusses the changes in culture and policy at SIUE between the late 1960s when he was hired and the late '80s. Statler worked at the Alton, East St. Louis and Edwardsville campuses in various capacities. The majority of his time was spent at Edwardsville, however, he had memorable interactions with notables such as the famous Katherine Dunham, and former university Presidents Earl Lazerson and John Rendleman.
April 3, 2006 April 25, 2021