Horseshoe Lake, 2016

Browse Items (1534 total)

Thumbnail Title Description Date Date Added
1994-95 Revolution of Our Minds literary magazine This is the 1994-95 Edwardsville High School literary magazine "Revolution of Our Minds." It features original poems, short stories, and illustrations. 1994-1995 December 8, 2018
1994 Program for Edwardsville High School's Performance of  "Midsummer Night's Dream" This is the program from the Edwardsville High School Drama Club's production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in 1994 1994 November 15, 2018
1993 Sewage Treatment Plant Award Presentation This is a color photograph of eleven people at the sewage treatment plant for the city of Wood River, Illinois. Un Im [illegible], John Stucuf, and John Stewart presents the "Plaque for Working Together" to Mayor Ron Smith. 1993 November 12, 2018
1992 June Wood River Standard Company Newsletter This is a document is the June of 1992 publication of the Wood River Standard newsletter. A newsletter published regularly by the Wood River Standard Oil Refinery. June 1992 November 12, 2018
1992 Edwardsville High School Women's Tiger Softball Team This is a photograph of the 1992 Women's Tiger Softball Team 1992 December 1, 2018
1992 Edition of the Civic Memorial High School Yearbook, The Spectator This is the 1992 edition of The Spectator, the yearbook for Civic Memorial High School in Bethalto. The included page has four yearbook superlatives: Sara Newby and Marc Vaughn for most athletic, Jason Householder and Meghan Lynch for prettiest eyes, Mike Whipkey and April Rives for prettiest hair, and Heather Darter and Scott Herzog for prettiest smile. The yearbook belongs to Heather Wallace, formerly Heather Coffman.

This yearbook was scanned as part of a Madison Historical class visit to Civic Memorial High School in spring 2019. It was brought to class by Annaston Walker.
1992 May 21, 2019
1991 Edwardsville High School Yearbook This is an Edwardsville High School yearbook from May 1991, owned by Todd Zude. This campus has since become the Lincoln Middle School campus. The total number of enrolled students in the 1991 school year was 1,519.

This yearbook was brought in by Todd Zude's daughter Anna Zude as a part of a Madison Historical class visit to Liberty Middle School in February 2020.
1991 - 2005 March 4, 2020
1990s United Way Kickoff This is a color photograph of four men in front of an Air Force WWII fighter plane at a 1990s United Way Kickoff event. The men pictured are Denis Webb, Buck Isbell, Tom Skundrich, and Chuck Bild. Circa 1990s November 12, 2018
1990s Junior Achievement Award Presentation This is a color photograph 2 men, one woman, on back " Un Lin, Geo Preston present Pat Clossner Junior Achievement Check" Amoco contributed the funds for the award. Unknown November 12, 2018
1990s Junior Achievement Award Presentation This is a color photograph six people, five men and one Woman, Woman receiving check, Junior Achievement sign in background, on back "Geo Preson on third from left, Ward Case, Dave House 5 and 6 from left, Present checks to junior achievement 1990's" Amoco contributed the funds for the award. 1990s November 12, 2018