Browse Items
- 1700s
- 1800s
- 1821
- 1830s
- 1832
- 1847
- 1860s
- 1870s
- 1873
- 1880s
- 1882
- 1890s
- 1896
- 1900s
- 1902
- 1907
- 1908
- 1910
- 1910s
- 1911
- 1912
- 1917
- 1918
- 1919
- 1920s
- 1922
- 1923
- 1924
- 1925
- 1926
- 1930s
- 1933
- 1937
- 1940
- 1940s
- 1940s-1950s
- 1944
- 1945
- 1950s
- 1956-1957
- 1960s
- 1970
- 1970s
- 1973
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 19th Century
- 2000s
- 20th century
- 21st century
- 50th Anniversary
- 9/11
- 90th Infantry Division
- abandoned mines
- abortion
- adoption
- aerial photography
- African American
- agriculture
- Air Force
- airplane
- Airports
- Alberta Hartman
- alcohol
- alderman
- Alhambra
- Allan Claus
- Allice Gillespay
- Alpina Dog
- Alter boy
- Alton
- Alton and Southern
- Alton Church of the Redeemer
- Alton High School
- Alton Telegraph
- Alton Town Plat
- Altonian
- American Oil Company
- American Steel
- ammunition
- Anderson Hopsital
- animals
- anniversary
- annuity club
- Arboretum
- archaeology
- armed forces
- Armenian
- Armenian Genocide
- Armenian Orthodox Church
- Army
- Army Depot
- art
- ash
- ash tank
- Ashville
- assembly line
- Association
- athlete
- Aunt Anna Cunningham
- automation
- automobile
- Aviation
- award
- Awards
- B-17
- baby
- backyard
- band
- banking
- banks
- baptism
- Baptist
- bar
- barber
- barn
- baseball
- basketball
- beer
- Belgium
- Belleview
- Belleville
- Bethalto
- Bethel Meeting House
- bicycle
- bicycling
- Blacksmith
- Blyth Studio
- Board of Directors
- Boarding house
- boats
- boiler house
- boiler room
- boilers
- Bond Drive
- Bowker
- boxing
- boy
- Boy Scouts
- brewery
- brewery memorabilia
- brick
- Brick workers
- Brick yard
- brick yard pond
- brick yard workers
- brickwork
- Britt School
- Buelah Schroeppel
- buggies
- buggy
- building
- Bulgarian
- buses
- Bush
- business
- Buster Wortman
- butcher
- Cahokia
- Cahokia Mounds
- Calhoun County
- Camp Dix
- campaigning
- Cardinals
- carriage
- cars
- cart
- catalog
- catholic
- Catholic Organization
- catsup
- Cattle and Horse Growers
- celebration
- Celeste Mashek
- census
- Centennial
- ceremonies
- ceremony
- certificate
- Chapman Coal Company
- charity
- Chicago Bears
- Child Labor
- childhood
- Children
- Chimney
- China
- Christian
- Christmas
- church
- churches
- cigars
- Cinco de Mayo
- city dump
- Civil Rights Movement
- Civil War
- Civil War%Mudge%war%military
- Clarence
- Class Artifact
- Class of 1914
- class of 1923
- Class Oral History
- classroom
- Clinton Mudge Hall
- Clover Leaf station
- coal
- Coal mining
- coal car
- Coal Mine
- Coal miner
- Coal Miners
- Coal Miners Rescue
- Coal Miners Rescue Squad
- coal mines
- Coal mining
- coal washer
- Cold War
- college
- Collinsville
- Collinsville organization
- Collinsville Camp 373
- Collinsville Commerical Club
- Collinsville High School
- Collinsville Township High School
- Columbus
- committee
- Commonwealth Steel Mill
- communication
- communion
- community
- community development
- community planning
- community unit school district
- community unit school district vote
- commuter train
- competitive cyclist
- competitive racing
- computers
- confederate
- Congregationalism
- consolidation
- construction
- convention
- Corps of Engineers
- Cottage Hills
- council
- county side
- cracker
- crew
- crime
- crude
- CTHS class play
- culture
- culturet
- cyclist
- D.H. Mudge
- dam
- dealership
- death
- dedication
- deindustrialization
- Democratic Party
- Democratic Party machine
- desegregation
- design
- development
- Dick H. Mudge
- diesel engine
- disabilities
- disabled
- diver
- doctor
- documents
- dog
- dogs
- Donald F. Lewis
- donation
- Donk Brothers
- Dorsey
- drugs
- dry goods
- E.W. Mudge
- East Alton
- East Saint Louis
- East St. Louis Interurban Lines
- Eastern Europe
- eating
- education
- education state aid
- Edw. J. Mashek
- Edward Allen
- Edwardsville
- Edwardsville High School
- Edwardsville Junior High School
- elections
- elementary school
- Elizabeth Bowker
- Elliot W. Mudge
- Elliott Mudge Whithead
- Ellis Island.
- engine
- engine house
- Engine room
- entertainment
- equipment
- Ethel's
- evangelical
- evangelistic
- Evermore
- F. von Strohe
- Factory
- Factory Wokers
- factory work
- Factory Workers
- Falstaff
- Family
- farm
- farm workers
- farmers
- farming
- Fast Forward
- Fat Cats
- Field Hockey
- field workers
- finance
- Finances
- fire department
- fire engine
- fire house
- fire truck
- firefighters
- fireman
- firemen
- Firestone
- first aid station
- first communion
- first responders
- fishpond
- flier
- float
- Flood
- flowers
- food
- football
- Ford
- Fosterburg
- foundation
- fractionator
- Franklin A. Knapp
- Freemasonry
- friends
- friends and family day
- funeral
- furnace
- Galinat Building
- gambling
- games
- gas station
- Gateway Racetrack
- gender
- genealogy
- genocide
- George Musso
- George T. Wilkins
- German
- German-American
- Germany
- glass
- glass workers
- Glen Cabron
- Glen Carbon
- Glen Carbon Crossing
- Glen Carbon Sports
- Glen Carbon Train Depot
- Glen Fest
- Godfrey
- golf
- government
- Grace Elizabeth Orcutt
- grain elevator
- Granite City
- Granite City High School
- Granite City Steel
- Grantfork
- graveyard
- Great Depression
- Great Flood of 1993
- Greek
- Gregory
- Groegory
- gymnastics
- Hadley
- Hall of Fame
- Hamel
- hand cars
- handbook
- Hartman
- Hartmann
- head lamps
- health
- health care
- Helveta Township
- Herman Schrunke
- high school
- Highland
- Highland Historical Society
- Hilda Riggin
- Hispanic
- Historical Society
- History 400
- Holy Cross Lutheran Church
- home
- Homestead
- horse
- horse drawn tractor
- horse-drawn buggy
- horses
- hospital
- hospitality
- hostelry
- hotel
- Hotz Park
- house
- housing
- Hungarian
- Hungary
- Hutchens
- Illinios Central Railroad
- Illinios glass
- Illinois
- Illinois Central Railroad
- Illinois State Education
- Illinois State Historical Society
- Illinois state law
- Illinois Terminal Railroad Company
- immigration
- industrial worker
- industry
- industy
- infrastructure
- inn
- Inside mine
- inside the mine
- Inside the mines
- Inter-City Baseball League
- invitation
- Iowa
- Italian-Americans
- Izzy Fister
- Jack Blyth
- Jack Buck
- jail
- Jim Morgan
- Jimmy Callahan
- John C. Naffedit
- John Hill
- John Mudge
- judge
- judicial hellhole
- Junior Achievement
- junior champ 1922
- K-9
- Kathryn Stehman
- kids
- Korea
- Korean War.
- Korte
- labor
- labor unions
- lake
- land
- land title
- landscape
- Lathrop
- Latzer
- law
- lead
- Leclaire
- legal
- Legion Park
- Leona Nichols
- letter
- levee
- Lewis and Clark Community College
- Libery bond Drive
- library
- lights
- Lillian Pointer
- Lincoln Place
- Lincoln School
- Lincoln-Douglas Debates
- literary
- literary magazine
- litrary
- little league
- Little Light Bearers
- livestock
- living room
- Livingston
- loading racks
- Local Business
- lodging
- Louieās Market
- Louise Gregory
- Louisiana
- Lumaghi Heights
- lunches
- Lutheran
- Macedonian
- Macedonian-Bulgarian Ladies Aid Society
- Madison
- Madison County Board of Education
- Madison County Board of Supervisors
- Madison County Coal Corporation
- Madison County Courthouse
- Madison County Highway department
- Madison County Nursing Home
- Madison County Transit
- Madison County Tuberculosis Sanitarium
- Mae Thompson
- magazine
- management
- mandates
- map
- maps
- Margie Pfaff
- Marine
- marriage
- Martha Schwartz
- Mary A. Taylor
- Mary S. Winfrey
- Maryville
- mascot
- Masons
- Maxine Schroeppel
- mayor
- McKinley School
- McLanahan
- meat
- media
- medical
- medicine
- meeting
- memorial
- men
- Men gathered
- Men in Uniform
- mens baseball
- mens baseball team
- menu
- merchants
- Methodist Church
- Methodist Episcopal Church
- metro east lutheran
- MetroLink
- Metz
- Metz Store
- Mexican Honorary Commission
- Mexico
- Midway
- military
- Milton
- mine
- Mine #2
- mine #4
- mine #5
- mine entrance
- mine subsidence
- miner
- Miner Park
- Miner's Institute Building
- Miners
- mines
- Mining
- Mining Citation
- Miss Mary Morris
- Mississippi
- Mississippi River
- Mississippi River Festival
- Mitchell
- mob
- model
- mold
- Mont Station
- monuments
- Moro
- motel
- movies
- Mudge
- Mueller
- mules
- music
- musical theater
- musicals
- Myrtle Haddick
- Native Americans
- navy
- New Orleans
- news
- Newsletter
- newspaper
- Nickel Plate Warehouse
- night
- NJ
- North Carolina
- O. B. Kinsey
- Oakdale
- office
- Office Workers
- Officers
- oil
- Oil manufacturing
- oil tank
- old building
- Olin Brass
- Olin Corporation
- Olympic
- open house
- orchestra
- Ordnance
- organizations
- organized crime
- Owens-Glass
- Owens-Illinois
- Owens-Illinois Glass Company
- pamphlet
- parade
- party
- Pas. N. Peers
- passengers
- Pen-n-Ink
- pension
- people
- performance
- Pet Milk
- Peter Station
- Peters Train Station
- petroleum
- pets
- Phillips 66
- picnic
- pig
- plant manager
- plat
- plays
- pliot
- poetry
- police
- politics
- population
- portrait
- Postcard
- Prairie Farms Dairy
- Prairietown
- presentation
- president
- press release
- pro-choice
- pro-life
- property
- Public Administration
- publication
- quest
- race
- racism
- radio
- railroad
- railroad tower
- railroad tower house
- railroad tracks
- railroad worker
- railroad workers
- Railroad wreck
- railroads
- re-run bench
- re-run tanks
- re-run unit
- receiving house
- recreation
- Red Cross
- Red Grange
- reference
- refineries
- refinery superintendent
- refining
- Regalia
- Religion
- rental property
- renumeration
- Rescue
- Rescue Squad
- Restitution
- retirement
- reunion
- Revolutionary War
- Revolutionary War Pension Application
- Riggin
- rights
- Rissi Studio
- river
- roads
- Robert S. Coulter
- Roper
- Route 157
- Route 66
- Roxana
- Roxoleum
- safety
- sales
- salesman
- Saline Township
- Savings and Loan
- Sawborne
- scale
- scale model
- scenic
- scg
- school
- school budget
- school district
- school memorabilia
- schools
- Schroeppel
- scorebook
- Sculpture
- Sears Homes
- segregation
- Serbian Orthodox.
- Sermon
- service
- service station
- shale pit
- Shell Oil Company
- showroom
- sign
- slack pile
- slavery
- small business
- soccer
- societies
- softball
- soldiers
- Solomon Mudge
- South Roxana
- Southwestern Conference
- souvenir guide
- soybeans
- sports
- Springfeild
- Springfield
- St. Boniface Cemetery
- St. Clair County
- St. Louis
- St. Louis Brick Company
- St. Louis Cardinals
- St. Louis Metro
- St. Paul Lutheran Church
- St. Peter and Paul Church
- St. Thomas Episcopal Church
- Standard Oil
- Standard Oil Refinery
- Standard Oil Refinery 50th Anniversary
- State Bank of Collinsville
- station
- station workers
- Steam Engine
- steel
- steel industry
- Stephen Medge
- Stephenson House
- store
- stores
- street
- streetcar
- streetcar shelter
- strike
- subsidence
- Suburbs
- Sundown Town
- surveying
- surveys
- Susan Moore
- Susan Mudge Edward Kearvey
- swimming
- tanks
- tattoo
- tavelers guide
- tavern
- teaching
- team
- technology
- telephone
- The Great Depression
- theater
- theatre
- thrashing
- thrashing machine
- thresher
- Ticket
- tiger times
- timeline
- tires
- title
- tomato
- tools
- top hat
- tourism
- tower
- tower house
- town
- town people
- tractor
- train
- train depot
- train station
- train wreck
- trains
- transportation
- Trophy
- Trophy Display
- trumble
- trumbler
- tug boats
- tumbler number 2
- types of schools in Madison County
- U.S.M.C.
- uniform
- unions
- United States Marine Corp
- United Way
- US Bank
- vault door
- Venice
- Venice High School
- Venice High School Basketball
- Venice High School Red Devils
- Vietnam
- Vietnam War
- Voegele
- volunteer
- wagon
- Wagons
- wake
- war
- warehouse
- water softener
- water treatment
- Western Cartridge Company
- Wheat
- Whitesides
- Whithead
- Wicker
- Wildey
- William Dabes
- William Hearne
- Winfrey Gregory
- Women
- women's issues
- Wood River
- Wood River Refinery
- Worden
- worden high school
- workers
- World War I
- World War II
- Worthy Matron
- yearbook
- young men
- youth
- Yugoslavia
- zinc