1974 Photo of Employees Around a Scale Model of the Standard Oil Refinery |
This is a black and white photograph of workers around a scale model of the refinery. Written on the back is, "June 1974 Ultraformer Super Cherry Morrison Project Mgr. Sherald Heneghan P6 Units." |
June 1974 |
November 13, 2018 |
1974 Employees Around Scale Model of Refinery |
This is a black and white photograph of workers around a scale model of the refinery. The two men pictured are Project Engineer, Sherald Hanegan, and Superintendant, Cherry Morrison. |
June 1974 |
November 13, 2018 |
1950s Workers of the Stanolind "A" |
This is a black and white photograph from the early 1950s of fourteen men and two women aboard the Stanolind "A." On the back of the photograph, the names of those pictured are listed. Top row: Skipper Joe Means, Chief Engineer Tom Wells, Pilot Vernon Eggenberg. Second Row: Charles Sontag (deckhand), Orville Noltensmeyer (first mate), Vick Kramer (second mate), Richard Hartsock (oiler), Noltensmeyer (deckhand). Third Row: Mrs. Ringhausen (first cook), Mr. Ringhausen (second cook), Susie Poore (maid), Baker (deckhand), Leroy Monje (engineer), (tankerman), Clem Shornhorst (engineer), Clifford Clifton (deckhand). |
Circa 1950s |
November 13, 2018 |
1990s Amoco Press Release for Building Donation to Madison County Association for Retarded Citizens |
This is a three page press release from the Standard Oil Company in Wood River, Illinois. The document provides information about a building donation to the Madison County Association for Retarded Citizens (MCARC). |
Circa 1990s |
November 12, 2018 |
1990s Amoco Open House |
This is a color photograph at a open house at the Wood River Additives Plant in the 1990s. |
Circa 1990s |
November 12, 2018 |
1990s United Way Kickoff |
This is a color photograph of four men in front of an Air Force WWII fighter plane at a 1990s United Way Kickoff event. The men pictured are Denis Webb, Buck Isbell, Tom Skundrich, and Chuck Bild. |
Circa 1990s |
November 12, 2018 |
1993 Sewage Treatment Plant Award Presentation |
This is a color photograph of eleven people at the sewage treatment plant for the city of Wood River, Illinois. Un Im [illegible], John Stucuf, and John Stewart presents the "Plaque for Working Together" to Mayor Ron Smith. |
1993 |
November 12, 2018 |
1990s Amoco Open House Candid Photograph |
This is a color photograph of six people at an AMOCO open house in the 1990s. |
Circa 1990s |
November 12, 2018 |
1990s Amoco Open House Candid Photograph |
This is a color photograph of ten people at an AMOCO open house in the 1990s. |
Circa 1990s |
November 12, 2018 |
1992 June Wood River Standard Company Newsletter |
This is a document is the June of 1992 publication of the Wood River Standard newsletter. A newsletter published regularly by the Wood River Standard Oil Refinery. |
June 1992 |
November 12, 2018 |