Horseshoe Lake, 2016

Browse Items (212 total)

  • Tags: refineries
Thumbnail Title Description Date Date Added
1975 Webb-Van Camp Annuity Club Founding Letter This is a letter from Frank Webb to Gilbert Van Camp about preparing a 25th Anniversary celebration for the Standard Oil Annuitant Club in 1975. May 12, 1975 November 15, 2018
1980s Group Photograph Indoors in Front of Amoco Sign This is a color Photograph of group standing in front of Amoco sign inside of a building, on the back labeled, "Junior Achievement 1980's" "Wes Beigel, Gary Licktenberg, Brian Denis Moor, Ken Wiltse, Dennis Gibbs, Fred Losch, Cleff Ohlson (Olin), Front Row Beth Donley, Beth Wegener, Debbie Losch, John whitehouse" 1980s November 12, 2018
1982 Junior Achievement Award Presentation This is a black and white photograph of a Junior Achievement award presentation. There are six people visible in the photograph. One person appears to be cut out of the bottom row. Phyllis Lucker, Dori Newman, Joe Thuet, Dick Sumner, Bob Schneider, and Cliff Ohlson (Olin) are pictured as the Junior Achievement Advisers of 1982. 1982 November 12, 2018
Main Gate and FIrst Aid Building 1990s This is a color photograph of the main gate building, parking lot and first aid building. The image is labeled on back "Main Gate + First Aid Building 1990s." Circa 1990 October 25, 2018
Amoco FIre Department Photograph This is a color photograph of the Amoco Fire Trucks and Fire Department vehicles. On back is written, "Amoco Fire dept 1990s." Circa 1990 October 25, 2018
1990s Junior Achievement Award Presentation This is a color photograph six people, five men and one Woman, Woman receiving check, Junior Achievement sign in background, on back "Geo Preson on third from left, Ward Case, Dave House 5 and 6 from left, Present checks to junior achievement 1990's" Amoco contributed the funds for the award. 1990s November 12, 2018
1990s Amoco Presenting Check to Boy Scouts This is a color photograph four men presenting a check. Chris Zemmec, Geo Preston, and John Staurt are presenting the check to the Boy Scouts in the 1990s. Circa 1990s November 12, 2018
1990s Amoco Open House Candid Photograph This is a color photograph of ten people at an AMOCO open house in the 1990s. Circa 1990s November 12, 2018
1990s Amoco Open House Candid Photograph This is a color photograph of six people at an AMOCO open house in the 1990s. Circa 1990s November 12, 2018
1990s United Way Kickoff This is a color photograph of four men in front of an Air Force WWII fighter plane at a 1990s United Way Kickoff event. The men pictured are Denis Webb, Buck Isbell, Tom Skundrich, and Chuck Bild. Circa 1990s November 12, 2018