1961 Edwardsville High School Football Program for Southwestern Conference |
This is a program for the 1961 Edwardsville High School football team Southwestern Conference game against the Kirkwood Pioneers. It features both team rosters as well as advertisements from local businesses. |
1961 |
November 15, 2018 |
1936 Edwardsville High School Football program |
This is a program from an Edwardsville High School football game on October 30, 1936 against Benld High School. It features each team's player's number, name, and weight as well as Benld High School's record for the season. Information regarding the next home game, which was an Armistice Day game against Collinsville, and details the state of their future rival's team. |
1936 |
November 15, 2018 |
1935 Edwardsville High School Football Program |
This is a program from an Edwardsville High School football game on November 11, 1935 against Metropolis High School. It features a poem entitled "Just Football" and lists the Metropolis High School's remaining home games. |
1935 |
November 15, 2018 |
Edwardsville High School Tiger Mascot 1989-1990 |
This is a photo of the first Edwardsville High School Tiger mascot from 1989-1990. |
1990 |
November 15, 2018 |
Edwardsville High School Class of 1908 50th Reunion |
There are three photographs in this collection of the class of 1908 during their 50th class reunion in 1958. |
1958 |
November 15, 2018 |
1982 Edwardsville High School Tigers Baseball Team |
This is a picture of the 1982 Edwardsville High School Tigers Baseball Team |
1982 |
November 15, 2018 |
Picture of Coach Wilbur "Doc" Bohm |
This is a picture of Coach Wilbur "Doc" Bohm of Edwardsville High School. Possible of date of picture is 1939 as shown on the back of the photograph but crossed out. |
Unknown |
November 15, 2018 |
1948 Edwardsville High School Basketball Team Photo |
This is a photo of what is believed to be the 1948 Edwardsville High School basketball team. Players are listed in no particular order as: Al Gregor, Lee May, Harold Patton, Mannie Jackson, Govoner Vaughn, Samuel Johnson, Donald Ginther, and Buzzy Shaw with coach Mr. Turner. |
1948 |
November 15, 2018 |
1960-61 Edwardsville High School Basketball Team |
This is a photo of the 1960-61 Edwardsville High School basketball team. Top Row: Schumacher, Penelton, O'Vaughn, Connors Bottom Row: Waugh, Schnake, Mateyka, Drda |
1960 |
November 15, 2018 |
Edwardsville High School 1985 Boy's Golf Team |
This is a photograph of the 1985 Edwardsville High School Boy's Golf team at the ISHA state tournament where they earned 2nd place. |
1985 |
November 15, 2018 |