Bluffs and Piasa Bird, 2016

Browse Items (40 total)

  • Tags: World War II
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"Granite High World" School Newspapers for the 1944-45 School Year This volume is a collection of the 14 editions of the Granite High World, the newspaper of Granite City High School, published in the 1944-45 school year.

For yearbooks throughout the rest of the 20th and early 21st centuries, see Granite City Yearbooks published online by the Six Mile Regional Library.
October 6, 1944 to May 25, 1944 March 26, 2018
Charles Woodford Oral History Interview This oral history interview with Charles Woodford was part of oral histories conducted in the fall 2001 semester of History 447: Oral History.

Charles A. Woodford talks at length about his experience as a B-17 tail-gunner in World War II. He also discusses his childhood in Iowa, a career as an air force employee, and life in the Lincoln Place neighborhood.
November 8, 2001 March 18, 2018
Isabella Vartan and Helen Abbott Oral History Interview This oral history interview with Isabella Vartan and Helen Abbott was part of oral histories conducted in the fall 2001 semester of History 447: Oral History.

Isabella Vartan and Helen Abbott are the daughters of Armenian immigrants who have been lifelong residents of the Lincoln Place neighborhood. In this interview, they talk about their parent's experience in Armenia during World War I and immigration to the United States, their participation in the Armenian Orthodox Church, growing up as the children of immigrants, involvement in the local community center, and the diversity of the Lincoln Place neighborhood.
October 10, 2001 March 18, 2018
John Percy Oral History Interview This oral history interview with John Percy was part of oral histories conducted in the fall 2001 semester of History 447: Oral History.

In this interview, John Percy describes his experience as a P-47 Fighter-Bomber Pilot in the European theater of World War II, his childhood in rural Illinois, learning to fly, his career after the military as a corporate pilot for State Farm Insurance, and his involvement on the board of the Prairie Aviation Museum.
October 6, 2001 March 17, 2018
"Granite High World" School Newspapers for the 1942-43 School Year This volume is a collection of the 14 editions of the Granite High World, the newspaper of Granite City High School, published in the 1942-43 school year.

For yearbooks throughout the rest of the 20th and early 21st centuries, see Granite City Yearbooks published online by the Six Mile Regional Library.
October 2, 1942 to May 21, 1943 March 15, 2018
"Granite High World" School Newspapers for the 1941-42 School Year This volume is a collection of the 13 editions of the Granite High World, the newspaper of Granite City High School, published in the 1941-42 school year.

For yearbooks throughout the rest of the 20th and early 21st centuries, see Granite City Yearbooks published online by the Six Mile Regional Library.
October 3, 1941 to May 1, 1942 March 15, 2018
Anne Kovach Oral History Interview This oral history interview with Anne Kovach was part of oral histories conducted in the fall 2001 semester of History 447: Oral History.

Anne Kovach was born in Macedonia in 1907 and immigrated to the United States with her father as a young child and has lived in Lincoln Place for most of her life. In this interview, she talks about her father’s career as an American Steel employee and saloon owner, the grocery store she owned with her husband, the education of girls learning English as a second language, the sowing girls did for the war effort during World War II, the Bulgarian-Macedonian Ladies Aid Society, and the Cyril and Methody Bulgarian-Macedonian Church in Lincoln Place.
October 29, 2001 March 14, 2018
Vartan Kassabian Oral History Interview This oral history interview with Vartan Kassabian was part of oral histories conducted in the fall 2001 semester of History 447: Oral History.

In this interview, Father Kassabian talks about his calling to Christ, the role of the Church, the resilience of the Armenian people, the Armenian Genocide, and Armenian history.
October 29, 2001 March 14, 2018
Andrew Hagopian Oral History Interview This oral history interview with Andrew Hagopian was part of oral histories conducted in the fall 2001 semester of History 447: Oral History.

Andrew Hagopian was born in 1923 to immigrant parents from Armenia. In this interview, he talks about his family history, his experience on the 1940 Granite City basketball state champion team, the diversity of the Lincon Place community, and his activism in lobbying the United States government to recognize the Armenian Genocide.
November 21, 2001 March 4, 2018
Linda Garcia Oral History Interview This oral history interview with Linda Garcia was part of oral histories conducted in the fall 2001 semester of History 447: Oral History

Though Linda Garcia was born in St. Louis, she only lived there for three years and spent the rest of her life in Lincoln Place. In this interview, she describes her childhood, the diversity of the community, the different jobs her and her sisters had to do to help her widowed mom, her Mexican heritage, and religious experiences.
October 31, 2001 March 4, 2018