Great River Road, 2016

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2007 Collinsville Blockbusters Membership Card This is a 2007 Blockbuster membership card for the Blockbuster in Collinsville, Illinois. The card is blue, white, and yellow and says Blockbuster in yellow letters. This was used to rent movies from local Blockbuster. Blockbuster were the more popular way of watching movies other than movie theaters before the popularization of streaming services.

This membership card was digitized as part of a Madison Historical class visit to Liberty Middle School in spring 2020. It was brought to class by Ian Dean.
2007 March 4, 2020
Swiss Parfait Recipe from the Gont Family This is a recipe card for a Swiss Parfait, an oat-based dessert served in the Cook family of Madison County during the holidays for two decades. This recipe was written by Marlene Gont(sic) in Downers Grove, IL in 2000. Transcription: Swiss Parfait. 2 cups uncooked oats, 32oz. Low-fat vanilla yogurt, 16oz can crushed pineapple juice, 4 tablespoons sliced almonds(optional). Combine all and refrigerate overnight, or up to 1 week. Serve chilled and enjoy.

This recipe card was scanned as a part of a Madison Historical class visit to Liberty Middle School in February 2020. This card was contributed by Hayden Cook and the Cook Family.
2000 March 4, 2020
2007 Edwardsville High Yearbook This is Matthew Spohr's 2007 Sophomore yearbook from Edwardsville Hish School. On the cover, it says, "1000 Tales" alongside the image of a tiger tail on the cover. Inside, the books are memories from his high school years.

This book was digitized as part of a Madison Historical class visit to Liberty Middle School in spring 2020. It was brought to class by Anna Spohr.
2001 March 4, 2020
2019 Navy and Marine Corps Commandment Medal to Nicholas Pavlinek This is a medal was awarded to Senior Chief Fire Controlman (Surface Warfare) Nicholas Pavlinek of the United States Navy for meritorious service while serving as Combat Systems Department Leading Chief Petty Officer, USS Sioux City Blue Crew, from August 2016, to May of 2019. Senior Chief Nicholas Pavlinek led nineteen sailors, including mine warfare DET 23, through crew move-abroad, commissioning, and initial A/T certification. Pavlinek Filled a critical role as the only enlisted tactical action officer during combat systems shipboard qualification trials, qualifying four department heads as Tactical Action Officer (TAO), resulting in eight live-fire events totallling 324 57mm and 24 CHAFF expended rounds.

This artifact was digitized as part of a Madison Historical class visit to Liberty Middle School in spring 2020. It was brought to class by Adam Pavlinek.
2019 March 4, 2020
2019 Brand Mikro This is an example of the Mikro clothing brand which was created in March of 2019 by several students at Liberty Middle School. The students developed the idea of generating a brand after discussing it at a sleepover.

This was digitized as part of a Madison Historical class visit to Liberty Middle School in spring 2020. It was brought to class by Connor Hartman and Noah Foley.
2019 March 4, 2020
Chris Federmann's 2008 Silver Star The Silver Star is the 3rd highest military honor. Chris Federmann was awarded the Silver Star in July of 2008. He was awarded the Silver Star because of his actions in Operation Iraqi Freedom. At the same time there had only been 500 Silver Stars awarded in history. Chris Federmann's actions prevented Anti-Iraqi forces from overwhelming friendly positions. His award speech states, "Chris L. Federmann was awarded the Silver Star for conspicuois gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy while serving as detachment weapons sergeant."

This object was digitized as part of a Madison Historical class visit to Liberty Middle School in spring 2020. It was brought to class by Dominic Federmann.
2008 March 4, 2020
Kathy Childers Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Kathy Childers discusses her family's Macedonian heritage and her father John Bellcoff, who was the mayor of Madison, Illinois from 1985 to 1997 and the Madison County Democratic Chairman from 1990 to 1994. She discusses how her family continues to practice Macedonian cultural traditions, including food, clothing, and dancing. She also describes her father's political career, including his role in establishing the Gateway Racetrack in Madison. She also discusses her grandfather's grocery store in Madison, Bellcoff and Son, and her and her father's work with funeral homes. July 17, 2019 November 4, 2019
Robert Coppersmith Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Edwardsville resident Robert Coppersmith describes his experience in the United States Marine Corps, particularly his time in boot camp and as a tank mechanic. He was interviewed by his daughter, Eryn Coppersmith. July 21, 2019 November 4, 2019
Joann Condellone Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Joann Condellone describes growing up with her family of Italian immigrant coal miners in Collinsville. She talks about her struggles with misogyny as a woman in the military, as well as her career in midwifery and various travels around the world. February 14, 2019 September 4, 2019
Mary Huntley Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Mary Huntley describes her career as the director of the Hayner Public Library system in Alton, as well as her and her husband's involvement in the Civil Rights movement when they lived in Alabama. She also discusses her involvement with the local Democratic Party, her husband's role as director of the SIUE University Museum, and her childhood in North Carolina. May 27, 2019 August 29, 2019