Two Donk Brothers Miners and Man in Suit inside Mine Shaft |
This is a Black and white photograph of two Donk Brothers Miners sitting on a piece of machinery and squatting with a shovel and a man in a suit conversing inside the Donk no. 2 mine shaft. |
Circa 1910s |
November 13, 2019 |
Two Coal Miners Working in a Glen Carbon Mine |
This photograph shows two workers operating a coal cutting machine in a Glen Carbon mine. |
Unknown |
December 8, 2016 |
Two coal miners inside the mines standing on the tracks |
Two coal miners inside the mines standing on the tracks. The two men are Charles Thraxton (on the left) the mine superintendent and the other is Mr. Coleson who was also a violin teacher. |
1912 |
December 8, 2016 |
Two coal miners carrying their lunches |
Two young men coal miners carrying their lunch in the town of Glen Carbon, Illinois |
Unknown |
December 8, 2016 |
Two African Zulu Cannibal Baseball Players |
Black and White photograph of two "African Zulu Cannibals" baseball players standing on the Collinsville High School ball diamond with spectators in the background. The Zulu's were an all African American Baseball team. On May 30, 1949 the Collinsville Indians played the Zulu Cannibals at the Collinsville High School. Size: 4" x 6" |
May 30, 1949 |
October 2, 2019 |
Twelve Women in Regalia |
Twelve Women in Regalia with banners in the background labeled “Unselfishness, Faith, and Modesty.” |
Unknown |
December 8, 2016 |
Trumbles 3 and 4 Supports and Receiving House in Background during the 1917-1918 Construction of the Wood River Refinery |
This photograph shows the construction of trumbles 3 and 4 supports and receiving house in background. This photograph is from a series of photos taken during 1917-1918 construction of the Wood River Oil Refinery. |
1917-1918 |
October 25, 2017 |
Trumbles 1 and 2 Receiving Tanks during the 1917-1918 Construction of the Wood River Refinery |
This photograph shows the construction of trumbles 1 and 2 receiving tanks. This photograph is from a series of photos taken during 1917-1918 construction of the Wood River Oil Refinery. |
1917-1918 |
October 25, 2017 |
Trumbles 1 and 2 Receiving Tank Bottoms during the 1917-1918 Construction of the Wood River Refinery |
This photograph shows the construction of trumbles 1 and 2 receiving tank bottoms. This photograph is from a series of photos taken during 1917-1918 construction of the Wood River Oil Refinery. |
1917-1918 |
October 25, 2017 |
Trumbles 1 and 2 Receiving House Interiors during the 1917-1918 Construction of the Wood River Refinery |
This photograph shows the construction of trumbles 1 and 2 receving house interiors. This photograph is from a series of photos taken during 1917-1918 construction of the Wood River Oil Refinery. |
1917-1918 |
October 25, 2017 |