Trumble 1 and 2 View from the Southwest with Horses during the 1917-1918 Construction of the Wood River Refinery |
This photograph shows the construction of trumble 1 and 2 additional view from the Southwest with horses. This photograph is from a series of photos taken during 1917-1918 construction of the Wood River Oil Refinery. |
1917-1918 |
October 25, 2017 |
Arthur Schon Farming Ground |
Arthur Schon Farming Ground at 156 Glen Carbon Road during the early 1930s. Horses being used to pull farm equipment. |
1930s |
December 8, 2016 |
Arthur Schon and a Hired Hand |
Arthur Schon and a hired hand holding horses on the Schon farm in the 1930s. |
1930s |
December 8, 2016 |
Dr. M. W. Harrison in front of the only black hospital in Collinsville, Illinois |
This photograph is of Dr. M.W. Harrison standing in front of the only black hospital in Collinsville, Illinois. There is a horse and buggy in the street in front. It was located at 206 S. Seminary Street in a small building behind the main facility. |
Unknown |
September 17, 2017 |
A Horse Drawn Wagon |
A horse drawn wagon carrying men and banners are on the side of the two horses. Children are looking up at the wagon as it passes by on a dirt road. Behind the first wagon is another drawn by a single horse carrying men. |
Unknown |
October 25, 2017 |