Photograph of the Mudge family home (Oakdale) in Grantfork with members of the Mudge family |
This is an undated photogrpah of the Mudge family home (Oakdale) in Grantfork. In the photo a man stands out front with a horse and carriage, two women appear on the porch, two small children play in front, and a small child sits on an open window sill on the second floor. |
Unknown |
March 15, 2019 |
Dr. Gustave Schroeppel's wake in 1933 |
This is a photograph of Dr. Gustave Schroeppel's wake in 1933. This picture was taken in the living room of his home at 317 West Main Street, Collinsville, Illinois. |
1933 |
September 17, 2017 |
Dr. Gustave Schroeppel's home on West Main Street in Collinsville in 1919 |
This is a photograph of the Dr.Gustave Schroeppel home at 317 West Main Street. This girl in the white is Maxine Schroeppel and the girl in black is Buelah Schroeppel. The date is 1919. |
1919 |
September 17, 2017 |