Bluffs and Piasa Bird, 2016

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  • Tags: politics
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Kathy Childers Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Kathy Childers discusses her family's Macedonian heritage and her father John Bellcoff, who was the mayor of Madison, Illinois from 1985 to 1997 and the Madison County Democratic Chairman from 1990 to 1994. She discusses how her family continues to practice Macedonian cultural traditions, including food, clothing, and dancing. She also describes her father's political career, including his role in establishing the Gateway Racetrack in Madison. She also discusses her grandfather's grocery store in Madison, Bellcoff and Son, and her and her father's work with funeral homes. July 17, 2019 November 4, 2019
Mary Huntley Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Mary Huntley describes her career as the director of the Hayner Public Library system in Alton, as well as her and her husband's involvement in the Civil Rights movement when they lived in Alabama. She also discusses her involvement with the local Democratic Party, her husband's role as director of the SIUE University Museum, and her childhood in North Carolina. May 27, 2019 August 29, 2019
Political Business Card for Dick Mudge for the 1970 Democratic Primary State Senator Campaign This a political business card for Dick Mudge for the 1970 Illinois Democratic primary state senate campaign. It states: "Please vote for Dick Mudge for State Senator. As States Attorney he brought law and order to Madison County, 1956-1964. Democratic Primary March 17, 1970." 1970 March 15, 2019
Philip Rarick Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Philip Rarick discusses growing up in Collinsville, his father’s role in local party politics of the Democratic Party, the development of the Madison County judicial system since the 1970s, and his time on the Supreme Court of Illinois. September 19, 2018 January 23, 2019
Beth Warnecke Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Beth Warnecke discusses growing up in Glen Carbon, having a father active in law and the Democratic Party, going to high school in Highland, working for the Cardinals and the Blues, and starting and managing her own art business: Classic Creations Painting. October 7, 2018 December 6, 2018
Sam Stemm Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Sam Stemm discusses his career with the local Alton station WBGZ. He also describes growing up in Alton, going to SIUE as a mass communications major, national conservative radio stations, and the history of WBGZ. June 12, 2018 September 12, 2018
William (Bill) Haine Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, State Senator William (Bill) Haine discusses his childhood in Alton, Illinois, his career in the law, and his time as an Illinois state senator. May 4, 2018 July 27, 2018
Percy Heuer Oral History Interview In this oral history, Percy Heuer describes his life in Dorsey as a farmer and worker for the Illinois Department of Transportation. He discusses many experiences in Dorsey from the early 20th century to the 1980s. He also discusses some family history. August 23, 1988 April 25, 2017
Phil Smith Oral History Interview In this oral history interview, Phil Smith describes growing up in Venice, Illinois, in the 1950s-1970s. He discusses organized crime and gambling in the city, the Democratic Party, and the police. He also describes his career as an educator and changes in the schools over time, including changes that accompanied racial integration in Venice and Madison. Finally, Smith describes his work with the Venice Historical Society and efforts to preserve the city's history and traditions. October 18, 2016 February 3, 2017