Photograph of a dirt road on the Mudge farm in Grantfork |
This is an undated photograph of a dirt road on the Mudge farm in Grantfork lined with trees and a wire fence. |
Unknown |
March 15, 2019 |
William (Bill) Haine Oral History Interview |
In this oral history interview, State Senator William (Bill) Haine discusses his childhood in Alton, Illinois, his career in the law, and his time as an Illinois state senator. |
May 4, 2018 |
July 27, 2018 |
Illinois Maintenance Police Officer in Hamel in the 1920s |
This photograph from the 1920s shows an Illinois Maintenance Police officer and a child sitting on a Henderson Four motorcycle in Hamel. |
1920 - 1929 |
April 11, 2018 |
1939 Pulverization of brick paving on Route 66/Vandalia Street in Edwardsville |
This 1939 photograph shows a construction truck for the Madison Construction Company pulverizing brick paving in preparation for repaving Route 66/Vandalia Street through Edwardsville. |
1939 |
April 10, 2018 |
Route 66/Nameoki Road near its turn onto Madison Avenue in circa 1933 |
This circa 1933 photograph shows a section of Route 66, Nameoki Road, near its turn onto Madison Avenue in Granite City. |
Circa 1933 |
April 10, 2018 |
Dr. Gustave Schroeppel's home on West Main Street in Collinsville in 1919 |
This is a photograph of the Dr.Gustave Schroeppel home at 317 West Main Street. This girl in the white is Maxine Schroeppel and the girl in black is Buelah Schroeppel. The date is 1919. |
1919 |
September 17, 2017 |
Dr. M. W. Harrison in front of the only black hospital in Collinsville, Illinois |
This photograph is of Dr. M.W. Harrison standing in front of the only black hospital in Collinsville, Illinois. There is a horse and buggy in the street in front. It was located at 206 S. Seminary Street in a small building behind the main facility. |
Unknown |
September 17, 2017 |
1869 to 1871 Road Plats of Madison County by Surveyor Don Alonzo Spaulding |
These road plats were created by Don Alonzo Spaulding from 1869 to 1871. On March 25, 1869, Spaulding was employed by the county court of Madison County to survey all state and county roads in Madison County for public record. The plats were completed by 1871, and the county court approved them as legal evidence on September 14, 1871. The plats were to be kept in the county clerk's office. Today, they are located in the office of the Madison County Recorder. The plats were used as evidence in a 1879 civil suit between The Edwardsville Railroad Company and Seth T. Sawyer. |
1871 |
May 15, 2017 |