Horseshoe Lake, 2016

Letter to Elliot W. Mudge from his mother


“Letter to Elliot W. Mudge from his mother,” Madison Historical, accessed March 11, 2025,


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This is a letter to E.W. Mudge from his mother. In it, she reprimands him for his poor spelling and corrects errors from a previous letter, states she will leave St. Louis on November 14th and will see him later in the month.


  • Master Elliott W. Mudge

    Flushing Institute

    Flushing, L.[?]

    Oakdale Oct. 23rd 186[?]

    My Dear Elliott,

                I wrote you a few days since, but as I received one from you on Saturday I will reply to it. Mrs. Clark and John, her son had been passing a few days here. – they left this morning – John took [illegibile] gun and thought he would try and kill a few quail, but he had no success I am glad you gave us your [illegibile] at once – you must now try [illegibile] get along as fast as you can with your other studies – Do be particular about your spelling – you make great mistakes, & I must point them out to you. Speaking of the Prince of Wales, you called  him the “Prince of Whales.” he is not a Sea monster – but Heir to the crown of England I know you will never make this blunder again – so I will pass  over

    Speaking of the figure of Christ – you add e  which is one letter too much. – then you say “tell Sister Sue I shall write to her in the corse”which should be Course [illegibile] – you put an i where the a should be.- you must take more pain in writing – for a careless habit is very difficult to overcome. accustom yourself for six months to write as well as you can, and you will become so fixed in the habit that it will be difficult to write carelessly. I am very much occupied now in having things put in order, and shall leave here for St. Louis, this week from tomorrow the 14th of Nov. so you will probably see me about the last of the month I am going on with Mrs. Parson  & cannot tell the exact time I shall leave St. Louis. I shall make

    Sister Nelly a little visit. When you write Reddy, direct to New Orleans – St. Louis Hotel – he will be there every twelve days. – I suppose you have received your applies by this time – let me know how you liked them. I can imagine little Charley dancing about when you open them & filling his pockets. they will I dare say remind you all of the farm. – if you think of any thing that you have at home that you want, write & let me know & I will take it to you. – Give a great dear of love to all of the boys – & if you see Sister [illegibile] tell her I shall write her & [illegibile] in a few days – but I have so much to do, & it cramps my hand so much to hold a pen that I know she will [illegibile] now.

    Your own dear


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  • Family
  • Communication
  • letters
  • edwardsville
  • farm


  • Mudge, Stephen



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  • Edwardsville, Illinois
  • 1860s


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