Great River Road, 2016


December 15, 2017

Last modified: January 24, 2018

Madison was incorporated as an industrial village on November 2, 1891.((W. T. Norton, ed., Centennial History of Madison County, Illinois, and Its People, 1812 to 1912. (Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1912), 577.)) By 1900, Madison had a population of 1,979 people.((Census Reports Volume I: Population Part I (Washington: United States Census Office, 1901), 126)) As of the 2010 census, the city of Madison has a population of 3,891.((Illinois: 2010, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, 2010 Census of Population and Housing (Washington: Bureau of the Census, 2012), 134.))

Madison in 2017
From the Maps & Plats GIS Division of the Madison County Chief County Assessment Office

To access the city of Madison’s website, follow this link.

Cite this article: Nichol Allen, "Madison," Madison Historical: The Online Encyclopedia and Digital Archive for Madison County, Illinois, last modified January 24, 2018,
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