Photograph of Susan Moore |
This is a photograph of an undated young woman named Susan Moore. The reverse side of the photograph details she was "my father's half-sister." |
Unknown |
March 15, 2019 |
Photograph of two women with three children |
This is an undated photograph of two women with three children. The reverse side of the photo lists them as Louise Gregory, William Hearne, Winfrey Gregory, and Aunt Anna Cunningham. |
Unknown |
March 15, 2019 |
Photograph of an infant child |
This is an undated photograph of an infant child. The reverse side details "my sister died at 9 mo. nine years before I was born" |
Unknown |
March 15, 2019 |
Photograph of the Mudge family home (Oakdale) in Grantfork with members of the Mudge family |
This is an undated photogrpah of the Mudge family home (Oakdale) in Grantfork. In the photo a man stands out front with a horse and carriage, two women appear on the porch, two small children play in front, and a small child sits on an open window sill on the second floor. |
Unknown |
March 15, 2019 |
Line of Title to Homestead for Henry East |
This is a “Line of Title to Homestead” for Henry East |
Unknown |
March 15, 2019 |
1950s Photograph Red Crown Band Candid |
This is a black and white candid photograph of the Red Crown Band playing instruments in the 1950s. The band was established in 1953. |
Unknown |
November 19, 2018 |
1953 Standard Oil Attenuate Club Meeting Band Performance |
This is a black and White photograph of Standard Oil Attenuate Club Band with " Standard Oil Attenuate band 1953" written on the back of the image. There are four copies of the photograph located within the Wood River Museum's Band folder. A second copy is labeled with names and information on back in cursive writing. A cardstock print has no supplemental information. A printed paragraph is taped on the back of a black piece of paper. Supplemental information is attached to one image, including a small descriptive paragraph and names of persons photographed. |
Unknown |
November 19, 2018 |
1920s Standard Oil Company Wood River Refinery Band |
This is a black and white photo of the Standard Oil Company "Famous Forty" band. The band is posed outdoors with their instruments. This photo was used in newspaper clippings and those clippings have descriptions with names of those included. See the 1920 "Original Famous Forty" Standard Oil Company Band image. |
Unknown |
November 19, 2018 |
1957 Golden Jubilee Picnic |
This is an invitation for the Golden Jubilee Picnic that was part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Standard Oil at Wood River in 1957. The picnic was held on June 8, 1857. |
Unknown |
November 15, 2018 |
Annuitants Opening Ceremony |
This is a black and white photo showing master of ceremonies, Sam Williams, speaking under a pavilion. Sam Williams served as the president of the Wood River Annuity Club. |
Unknown |
November 15, 2018 |