1975 Webb-Van Camp Annuity Club Founding Letter |
This is a letter from Frank Webb to Gilbert Van Camp about preparing a 25th Anniversary celebration for the Standard Oil Annuitant Club in 1975. |
May 12, 1975 |
November 15, 2018 |
1957 Golden Jubilee Picnic |
This is an invitation for the Golden Jubilee Picnic that was part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Standard Oil at Wood River in 1957. The picnic was held on June 8, 1857. |
Unknown |
November 15, 2018 |
Annuitants Opening Ceremony |
This is a black and white photo showing master of ceremonies, Sam Williams, speaking under a pavilion. Sam Williams served as the president of the Wood River Annuity Club. |
Unknown |
November 15, 2018 |
Letter on Annuitants Club Picnic |
This is a letter C. H. Clark sent to Robert Baker addressing the Annuity Club Picnic at Torch Wood Park. The letter was written on June 12, 1953. |
June 12, 1953 |
November 15, 2018 |
Wicket Dam Maintenance |
This is a black and white photograph of maintenance on the Wicket Damn. The image shows the Hurter Box in place below Wickets. A steel Hurter Box sits on a concrete sill to de-water a small section around the hurters for maintenance. |
Unknown |
November 15, 2018 |
Tom Wells at Work |
This is a black and white photo of Chief Engineer Tom Wells operating the boat engine. |
Unknown |
November 15, 2018 |
Stern Standard No. 6 Tug Boat |
This is a black and white photo of the Stern Standard No.6 at the dock. |
Unknown |
November 15, 2018 |
1967 Two Men Watching Diver Climb Down Ladder Into Water at Spray Pond |
This is a black and white image from 1967 of two men watching a diver climb down a ladder into the water. |
April 1967 |
November 15, 2018 |
1967 Five Men Watching Diver Climb Down Ladder into Water |
This is a black and white photograph from 1967 of men watching a diver climb down a ladder into the water at Spray Pond. |
April 1967 |
November 15, 2018 |
1967 Men Putting Diving Suit on Diver at Spray Pond |
This is a black and white image from 1967 of men putting a diving suit on diver at Spray Pond. The man to the diver's left holds his helmet. |
April 1967 |
November 15, 2018 |