1952 Three Men Chatting Behind Oil Rail Car on Tracks |
This black and white photograph shows three men chatting behind an oil rail car on railroad tracks during the 1952 strike. |
1952 |
November 19, 2018 |
1952 Man Sitting Inside of Barber Shop During Standard Oil Strike |
This is a black and white photograph of a man sitting on a stool while a barber cuts a mans hair indoors. The picture was captured during the Standard Oil strike at the Wood River refinery in 1952. |
1952 |
November 19, 2018 |
1952 Six Men Sitting at Table During Standard Oil Strike |
This is a black and white photograph of men sitting at table, during the 1952 Standard Oil strike at the Wood River refinery. |
1952 |
November 19, 2018 |
1952 Man Driving Moped in Refinery Yard During Standard Oil Strike |
This is a black and white photograph of a man driving a moped through the refinery yard with stacks in the background. The photograph was taken during the 1952 Standard Oil strike at Wood River refinery. |
1952 |
November 19, 2018 |
1952 Man in Posing for Photograph During Standard Oil Strike |
This is a black and white photograph of a man standing outside of a building next to car in office clothing. The photograph was taken during the 1952 Standard Oil strike at the Wood River refinery. |
1952 |
November 19, 2018 |
1952 Men Posing During Standard Oil Strike |
This is a black and white photograph of men standing in front of the steps of a building during the 1952 Standard Oil strike at the Wood River refinery. |
1952 |
November 19, 2018 |
1952 Man Giving Thumbs Up Outside During Strike |
This is a black and white photograph of men digging in the background. The man standing in the front of the picture is giving two thumbs up during the 1952 strike at Standard Oil in Wood River. |
1952 |
November 19, 2018 |
1952 Man Leaning Against Railing in Standard Oil Refinery Yard During Strike |
This is a black and white photograph of a shirtless man posing for a photograph leaning on railing during the 1952 Standard Oil strike at the Wood River refinery. |
1952 |
November 19, 2018 |
1952 Men Posing Behind Oil Rail Car During Strike |
This is a black and white photograph of three men standing and leaning against an oil rail car sitting on tracks during the 1952 Standard Oil at Wood River strike. |
1952 |
November 19, 2018 |
1952 Laundry Hanging in Refinery Yard During Standard Oil Strike |
This is a black and white photograph of laundry hanging in the Wood River, Standard Oil refinery yard, during a strike. |
1952 |
November 19, 2018 |