Resolution of Madison County Office of Education Renumerating Venice School District |
This school board resolution renumerates the Venice school district to Community Unit School District #3. |
July 1, 1957 |
February 28, 2017 |
Letter From Assistant Superintendent of Illinois Approving Renumeration in Madison County |
This letter approves the renumerating of consolidated Madison County Schools in numeric order. |
June 8, 1956 |
February 28, 2017 |
Madison County School Districts 1956-1957 |
This is a list of Madison County Community Unit Schools and what subsidiary schools encompass the district. These districts reflect the renumeration of Madison County Schools. |
1956 |
February 28, 2017 |
How Madison County School Districts Were Organized |
This document details the way in which Madison County schools were organized prior to voter consolidation and renumeration and how the process of consolidation and renumeration occurred. |
October 30, 1973 |
February 28, 2017 |
A Summary of the Community Unit District Law |
This is a summary of the Illinois state law known as House Bill 575. It describes how a school district becomes a community unit district. |
July 21, 1947 |
February 28, 2017 |
Madison County Board of Education Notes on Types of Districts |
These notes describe the different type of school districts in Illinois in the 1950s |
1950s |
February 28, 2017 |