Great River Road, 2016

1825 Plat Map of Edwardsville


“1825 Plat Map of Edwardsville,” Madison Historical, accessed March 31, 2025,


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This 1825 plat map of Edwardsville shows the property divisions in the town along Main Street, Second Street, Third Street, Fourth Street, and Randle Street. The original court house is visible, as is a public cemetery. A second survey of a property in Foster Township is also on the same page.


  • On the twenty third day of December 1825 personally came before me the undersigned Justice of the Peace in and for said County James Mason proprietor of the Town of Edwardsville, and acknowledged the annexed plat and survey to be a correct plat or map of the said Town as surveyed and laid off.

    Thos. Lippincott (J. P.)

    Recorded December 29th, 1825


  • government
  • Edwardsville
  • map


December 29, 1825

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